Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The best Flag Day ever!

Thirty years ago yesterday was the best Flag Day ever - it was the one that Ben was born on.  Yep, my oldest child turned 30.  And what a blessed 30 years it has been.

Ben has grown from being a sensitive, happy boy into a sensitive, happy man.  He is a cook, a fisherman, a fixer-upper, a dad, a husband, and a wonderful son.

He is the oldest of two oldest children.  He and I were thinking this week about how my parents are both oldest children, Daryl and I are oldest, and so are Abbie, Sarah, and Corey!  The only ones  somewhere other than that in the birth order are David and Jackie.   

When I think of something funny, I can always call Ben and share my joke.  He always 'gets it' without further explanation.  

Ben is my friend.  There isn't much better than that, is there?

Last night we celebrated his birthday, along with a late celebration for Abbie.  Just for a little added fun I decided to get a pinata.  A shark pinata!

Daniel helped hang the shark

Don't remember what was so funny, but I love to see everyone laughing!

Funny shark!

Get it, Bella!

After the kids had their turn, we let the birthday people have a shot at the shark.  And after Abbie took a few swings, this is all that was left of him......

Way to go, Abbie!

1 comment:

  1. 1. Looks like a blast
    2. A family of oldest children, how scary! David and I are going to start our own colony with Daniel Bella and Bennett. Non oldest children unite!
