Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Lessons from a Cold

Lesson #1 - Never again will I say, "It is just a cold."

Lesson #2 - While looking up the best ratio of salt to water so I could gargle some salt water (1 teaspoon salt/1 cup warm water)  I found this study that shows that gargling salt water three times a day can reduce the risk of getting an upper respiratory tract infection by 40 percent.  Wish I had known that earlier.

Lesson #3 - Never take any medicine that says "Non-Drowsy" on the box just before going to bed.

I already knew that, but this time I mean it.  NEVER!  About 30 minutes after I got in bed the other night I realized that I wasn't going to sleep.  So I started my counting/deep breathing method of relaxing and falling asleep.

1......2......3......4......5..... I wonder what would be good for supper tomorrow night.  Hmmm........Did we leave the horses' electric fence on?  I sure don't want that crazy horse back in there tomorrow.

Wait, I'm supposed to be counting.... 6.....7......8......9......10   (deep breath)...............21.......22........23

My feet are cold.  I should get up and put on some socks.  No, I'll just stay here.  They will warm up.......16.....17.....18......Wasn't I up to 25 a minute ago?  Why did I start back on 16?   Deep breath.......be still,  you'll wake Daryl up........wonder what time it is?   No, you don't want to know what time it is.......

NEVER again, I tell you!!!

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