Friday, September 23, 2011

Very Random Facts Friday

The bees are still working on the first day of fall

The fact that you are losing weight in your face does not mean that your jeans will fit any better.
I can get more done in 30 minutes with a timer set than I can in an hour of working without a timer.
Last week when I was changing the sheets on my bed I couldn't find the top sheet.  I just knew I had brought it upstairs, but I retraced all of my steps all over the house and still couldn't find it.  Turns out, I had already put it on the bed.
When a 3-year-old plays a game it isn't about winning and losing.  It is just about playing.
Skittish cats make me nervous.  Twinkle is skittish.
The weeds blooming right now have some of the prettiest flowers I have seen all year. 
My first thought when I think of a gift for someone is, "What can I make for them?"  That must be truly annoying to the recipients.
One of the things I try to do is to celebrate the ordinary -- like a cup of tea on a cloudy day -- and not put as much importance on 'special occasions.'  There are very few special days, but many special moments in every day.
It is very difficult for extroverts to understand introverts.
And the best fact of the day -- today is the first day of Fall!  

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