I'm sure you have been asking, "What's new, Cindy?" Well, here I am to fill you in!
Don't get too excited.
I have done a little sewing. I love the sewing space I have carved out of our dining room. This room was once two rooms, a dining room and a living room. Years ago before we lived here, JoJo had the wall taken down and it is such a wonderful space now. There are windows on each end and this is the brightest room in the house. Then, a couple of years ago, I decided that it seemed like a shame to only use the room when we needed the dining table. At the time I wondered if I would mind the sewing clutter, but I don't at all. I try to keep it as neat as possible and the colors of the yarn and fabric give me a little burst of happy when I glance them.
This room has been red for many years now. I'm considering a change. Just wanted to warn anyone out there who thinks that the room should be forever red. I am still taking input from all sources, though. :)
And speaking of the dining room, I refinished the top of our dining table. I'll post more about that when I get the buffet finished.
Last Saturday night I was just minding my own business when Abbie asked me if I wanted to do a boot camp with her and one of her friends. Without even doing much soul-searching, I said that I would. Crazy, I know! Over the past year or so I have worked to get my cholesterol number down below 200 and exercise seems to be the best way to do it. That doesn't really explain why I would jump off into the deep end of the exercise world, though. The only thing I can figure out is that when she told me that it would be from 5:30-6:30 in the morning, I thought that sounded good. Something like, "Get it over early. Then move on with your day." I'm pretty sore, but, you know, it feels good. Until I get up or need to cough.
The strangest thing about this is that I don't think I have any abdominal muscles. You may be thinking that I couldn't walk if I didn't have some. So, I'm a freak of nature! I must use all back muscles to support myself. If all I do over the next 5 weeks is get some abs, I will feel successful!
I'm still picking up walnuts. Anyone else want some fun like this? Come on over!
The thing that has taken more brain power than anything else I have done recently is that I'm helping to put together a slide show for Daryl's parents.
When we first came up with the idea, I volunteered to do it because I have a computer program that we could use. Then, we started thinking that some music would be nice. And then, we needed narration. At that point, I had no idea what I was doing and have had a blast learning some new computer programs. The questions that I had didn't seem to be addressed in the Help section of the program so Google has become my friend. David suggested that I type my question into the search bar as if I was asking him. That worked great. Just last night I figured out how to really work the sound portion of the program. At one point I didn't think I would be able to pull it all together, but now I am feeling pretty good about it. Last night at church I asked our sound guy if he had used Adobe Premiere Elements before and he said that he is very familiar with it.
Next time I will use the phone-a-friend lifeline.
Which is exactly what I did when I decided to do boot camp. I texted Cheryl. Thanks, sis, for hurting with me!